Guest lectures and public talks
Presentation, rondtable part of Journées de la musique concrète,
Akousma and Université de Montréal (September 21 - October 13), October 6, 2023. (Fr)
Moderator, rondtable, Construire le son : concepts et pratiques en arts sonores, Mois Multi, February 10, 2023. (Fr)
Moderator, rondtable with the artists collective Quite Ourselves, January 2022. (Eng)
Presentation, The DIY Apparatus Recycling, Reappropriation & Intermediality, Contre-Courant, An Event on Experimental Cinema, organized by Main Film, La Lumière, Montreal, December 2016. (Eng, Fr)
Presentation, TransCultural Exchange's Conference on International Opportunities in the Arts, Boston, organized by TransCultural Exchange, Boston, 2016, 2011 and 2009. (Eng)
Presentation, Virginie Laganière, en solo, Montrealissimo, ETC MEDIA and Printemps numérique, PHI Centre, Montreal, June 2015. (Fr)
Moderator: A Brief History of Networked Art Production. Sight+Sound Festival, Eastern Bloc, Montreal. Invited Panelists: Anna Friz (USA), André Éric Létourneau (QC), Christopher Haworth (UK), May 21, 2015. (Eng)
Presentation and rondtable, Building Digital Cultural Institutions. Conference: « Musiques et sons numériques en transformation », Mutek Festival and MusDig (Oxford University, UK), PHI Centre, Montreal, May 2015. (Eng)
Presentation, exhibition « Bruit noir/Black noise », Espacio México, curator: Bárbara Perea, Montreal, February 2015. (Eng)
Presentation, Sound and Image: Open Score, centre Dazibao, Montréal, January 2015. (Fr)
Presentation, Focus on Feminist Journals: Publishing Strategies in Precarious Times, WGSRF Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, May 2014. (Eng)
Presentation, Art and the Digital, Concordia University, Undergraduate Journal of Art History Conference, January 24-25, 2014. (Eng)
Presentation, Radio Art Introduction, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, October 2013. Class of Dr Christopher Haworth. (Eng)
Listen! Sound, Ecology and the City (Écoutez! L'écologie sonore and la ville) Artivistic, Public talk with Peter Cusack (UK), Chris DeLaurenti (USA), Jean-Pierre Aubé (Montreal), Eric Powell, Will Hall & Alison Powell (UK/CA), Ryan Mitchell-Morrison (Mik'mag from Listuguj), DJ madeskimo (Inuit), esther b (Montreal), Kathy Kennedy (Montreal), CKUT 90.3 FM (Montreal), Producers: Marc-Antoine Lapierre / Critical World (Montreal), 2007. (Eng)
« The vinyl record: between the sound and the visual», presented in the following contexts:
-CKUT radio, workshop, Montreal, November 14, 2009. (Eng)
-THE UPGRADE! MONTREAL, curator: Tobias c. van Veen (Whistler, Montreal) La Société des arts et technologiques [SAT], Montreal, March 17, 2005. (Eng)
-HarS--ETAY "Loft Concerts", commissaire : Harold Schellinx (NL), 2019, Moreau street #307A, Montréal, February 19-20, 2004. (Eng)
-Exposition Vinyl Addicts, Niagara Artists’ Company, St. Catharines, Ontario, May 15, 2004. (Eng)
-Festival Digidome, curator: Dermot Wilson, Paved Art + New Media, Saskatoon (Saskachewan), September 27-28, 2002. (Eng)
Public Conversation with Hildegard Westerkamp, Café du théâtre de L’Espace Go, in collaboration with Réseaux
and Ecube, Montreal, February 14, 2004. (Eng)