Digital media publications
« La musique qui nous entoure : le parcours sonore du Festival international de musique actuelle de Victoriaville » , Espace Sculpture, Montréal, July 2024 (Fr).
Web Exhibition Essay UnFAQ, Co-curator. UnFAQ: project of films in 360 degree integrated in the Internet and in virtual reality, artists: Josiane Blanc, Amanda Dawn Christie, G.R.Gritt, Joyce Joumaa, Yen-Chao Lin et Oliver Lewis, Ivetta Sunyoung Kang, 2021-2022.
« Quite Ourselves, Nomadism into Action », Monography Moving Trailer, 2017 - 2019, [October 2022]. (Original Eng, translation in Fr )
“ On stasis in technological arts Stopping the time? ”, Goethe-Institut de Montréal Magazine, May 2022. (Eng, Ger, Esp)
Director, co-producer: Podcast, NORIENT SPECIAL 004 - TIMEZONES EPISODE 07: MONTREAL, Montreal, Your Ears Are My Island. Broadcast: December 30 2021. Participating artists: Adam Basanta, Silvano Mercado Vilches, Mili Hong, Joseph Sannicandro, Kimihiro Yasaka; Producers: Norient (Switzerland) and Goethe-Institut, duration: 30 minutes + an additional bonus by Stefan Christoff. (Eng)
“This Liquid Dream,” interview with Navid Navad, Sounding Out !, Department of English, General Literature & Rhetoric, Binghamton University, New York, January 2018 [2016]. (Eng)
“Listening-perceiving the space of sound,” essay on James O'Callaghan, Goethe-Institut de Montréal, Uberblog, September 2017. (Fr, Eng)
“DIY Electricity Goddesses, interview with audio artists Stephanie Castonguay and Émilie Mouchous,” eContact !, Journal of Electroacoustic Practices , Montreal, no 18.3, 2016. (Fr)
“Music and politics”, Revue .dpi, Studio XX, Montreal, no 31, 2015.
Editorial: “Do we have a counter-culture?,” Revue .dpi, Studio XX, Montreal, no 31, 2013. (Fr, Eng)
“Music and politics, women's practices”, Revue .dpi, Studio XX, Montreal, no 27, 2013. (Fr)
“Mind Node” , curator: Valérie Lamontagne, catalog, essay published in Matter and Memory , Mobile Gaze , Montreal, May 2002. (Fr, Ang)
Printed publications: essays, articles
Decolonization as a critical creation: the tÄ«ná gúyáÅ„í collective (Deer Road) ” , Vie des Arts, Montreal, no 262, spring 2021. (Fr)
“Artist portrait: Virginie Laganière and Jean-Maxime Dufresne, from the angle of the atmosphere”, Vie des Arts, Montreal, no 261, fall 2020. (Fr)
“Virginie Laganière, Derrière l'hizon”, exhibition text, Center CIRCA, Montreal, March 2020. (Fr, Eng)
“Auto-Matter, an overview of AUTOMATA: Art made by machines for machines”, ETC MEDIA , Montreal, no 109, October-December 2016. (Fr)
“Back to Quebec Digital Art in New York: the Quebec signature”, ETC MEDIA , Montreal, no 107, March-July 2016. (Fr)
“Virginie Laganière, en solo”, ETC MEDIA , Montreal, no 106, November-January 2015. (Fr)
“Verena Friedrich”, essay on Verena Friedrich, Perte de Signal, Montreal, October 2015. (Fr, Eng)
“Nature in DIY”, ETC MEDIA , Montreal, no 105, July-September, 2015. (Fr)
“Mytho-logiqu e”, exhibition booklet on Stephanie Castonguay, Emmanuel Lagrange Paquet and Maxime Damecour, Perte de Signal, Montreal, May 2015. (Fr, Eng)
"HTMLLes Festival: What types of imaginations can arise from collective exhaustion or a large-scale fed up", ETC MEDIA , Montreal, no 104, Montreal, February-June 2015. (Fr, Eng)
“Steve Bates, the long night”, exhibition booklet, artist: Steve Bates, The Long Night Takes, OBORO center, Montreal, fall 2014. (Fr, Eng)
“Soundings: Richard Garet,” Blackflash Magazine , Saskatoon, vol. 31, October 2014. (Eng)
“Peter Flemming: Lambinatronique [Lazymode]”, Espace Sculpture , Montreal, vol. 87, spring 2009. (Fr)
“Rückgängig”, urban intervention essay on Stephan Koeperl and Sylvia Winkler, Goethe-Institut, Montreal, November 2008. (Fr, Ang)
“Psukhô”, exhibition essay, Psukhô by Jean-François Laporte, Fonderie Darling, Montreal, September 2008.
(Fr, Ang)
"De lʼinconsequence of Dancing in Paradise" catalog, essay on the exhibition Dancing in Paradise by Dejode & Lacombe, published in Faire as if everything was going well , Delivery, no 9, Center des arts present Skol (Montreal) and Rhinocéros (Strasbourg) , spring 2008. (Fr, Ang)
“Fontaine”, exhibition essay, Fontaine by Suzanne Dery, Maison de la culture Frontenac, Montreal, September 2006. (Fr, Eng)
"Sister Valérie of the Internet pray for us", catalog, essay on the performance Sister Valérie of the Internet, 25th anniversary of La Chambre Blanche, Quebec, March 2004.
(Fr, Ang)
“Montreal Web Art,” Blackflash Magazine, Saskatoon , vol. 21, August 2003. (Eng)
“Yvette Poorter & Donna Akrey” exhibition essay, Quartier Éphémère / Darling Foundry, Montreal, July 2000.
(Fr, Ang)
"The book on the move", curator: Florence Chantoury, essay, catalog: Lʼarène des livres, Center dʼexposition de lʼUniversité de Montréal, March 16-April 13, 2000.
(Fr, Ang)
"Julien Babin, handyman" [Julien Babin: Handyman], essay, catalog: Program Booklet 1997-1998 [Program Booklet 1997-1998], Center des arts presentes Skol, Montreal, 1998.
(Fr, Ang)
“Interview with Julien Babin”, interview, catalog for the exhibition, with Julien Babin published in Propos dʼartistes 1997-1998, Galerie l'Œil de Poisson, Quebec, 1998. (Fr, Ang)
"Julien Babin", exhibition essay, Quartier Éphémère, Montreal and l'Oeil de Poisson, Quebec, 1998. (Fr, Eng)